By Matthieu Ricard le 16 Dec 2024
The need for altruistic cooperation is more acute today as we face major socio-economic and ecological disasters. These issues generate confusion and seemingly complex questions, but in the end it’s a simple question of altruism versus egoism, at both individual and collective levels. Cooperation can be based on a generalized reciprocity guided by the promotion…
By Matthieu Ricard le 15 May 2024
This is an extract from Matthieu Ricard’s book Altruism, Little, Brown and Company editions We need a unifying concept, an Ariadne thread that will allow us to find our way in this labyrinth of serious, complex preoccupations. Altruism is this thread that will allow us naturally to connect the three scales of time— short-, middle-,…
By Eva Franchomme le 30 Nov 2023
Excerpt from Se changer, changer le monde, (To change oneself, change the world) with Matthieu Ricard, Christophe André, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Pierre Rabhi, Éditions L’Iconoclaste. Changing the world, in my view, boils down to transforming oneself to better serve others. While avoiding changing the world in a destructive manner, devastating our environment, exploiting animals, and causing…