Thought of the week
We now have a precious human life [ ] However, if, like an explorer who returns empty-handed from an island covered with treasure, we just enjoy this inestimably valuable life for some time without bringing back the gem of the sublime Dharma, our journey will have been useless. And if, caught up in the activities of daily life, we neglect the liberating instructions, we will have possessed this invaluable human existence but gained nothing from it.
SHECHEN GYALTSAP (1871-1926)Excerpts from zhabs dkar tshogs drug rang grol gyi bka' 'bum (The Chariot of complete liberation, oral transmissions of the omniscient ones, instructions for all the preliminary practices of Vajrayana), vol. 7 of "Collected works of zhe chen rgyal tshab padma rnam rgyal," Paro, Khyentse Rinpoche, 1975-1994, pp.66-67.