The Inspirational Karuna Girl

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In 2005 we visited a remote area of Eastern Tibet to check on the progress of our Karuna-Shechen projects there and look for new ways in which to help.

While visiting one of our small clinics, I happened to enter …

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Our Advice for the Good Use of the Emotions


Matthieu and two amazing friends and authors, Psychiatrist Christophe André and Philosopher Alexandre Jollien discuss their advice for how to deal with emotions.
Excerpted from the new book, In Search of Wisdom.


• Sharpen your attention in order to …

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Pleasure and Happiness: The Great Mix-up (part 2)

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Kangyur Rinpoche. Photo by Matthieu Ricard

For the ancient Greeks, the word eudaimonia conveyed the notion of accomplishment, of flourishing, of deep long-term fulfillment. While pleasure corresponds to hedonism, happiness corresponds to eudaimonia. Similarly, in Buddhism, the word soukha refers …

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Pleasure and Happiness: The Great Mix-up (part 1)

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One of the most common errors we make is to confuse pleasure for happiness. According to a Hindu proverb: “Pleasure is only the shadow of happiness”. Pleasure is the direct result of hedonistic, pleasurable sensual, esthetic, or intellectual stimuli. This

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Letter to the Pope

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The following is a letter I wrote in Switzerland at the repeated request of Emmanuel Tagnard, a religious journalist from Radio Télévision Suisse, who collected for letters for the Pope from people at different stages of a journey he …

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Science and Buddhism

Madison May 08 Matthieu3

Part of an Ongoing Series on Buddhism Demysitified

Science can be defined as a rigorous empirical investigation of reality with the goal of discovering and explaining natural phenomena and predicting how they function. Its field of study covers not only …

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