In December 2006, Florida governor Jeb Bush temporarily stayed executions because it took twenty minutes for a death row inmate to succumb to a lethal injection that was supposed to kill him in four. He stated that he had acted
Archive du blog pour Matthieu Ricard
Sources of Inspiration
‟Happiest are the people who give most happiness to others.”
Denis Diderot
‟Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed”
‟Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and
Sects and spirituality
An authentic spiritual path implies making great demands of oneself, but being very tolerant towards others. In most sects, however, people are very demanding of others, but flagrantly contravene the ideals they profess themselves. It only needs one person with
A few numbers to ponder
The annual budget of the UNICEF (3 billions US dollars) is only half the budget of Paris public transportation system (RATP)
5 billions dollars would suffice to provide education to all the children in the world who do not go
Parinirvana of Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche
Yesterday, from 4 am till late in the date, almost 50,000 people filed passed the body-relic (Kudung) of Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche, in Nepal, to pay hommage to the late MasterKudung of Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche
Sitapala Hill and Monastery
Our happiness can only be achieved through that of others
‟When selfish happiness is the only goal in life, life soon becomes goalless,” wrote Romain Rolland. Even if we display every outward sign of happiness, we can never be truly happy if we dissociate ourselves from the happiness of others.
On forgiveness (continued)
By asking forgiveness, the criminal cannot hope to escape the consequences of his deeds, the gravity of his actions or the atrocity of his crime. Perhaps a truly repentant criminal should not even ask for forgiveness: having realized the depth
On forgiveness
From a Buddhist perspective, at a personal level forgiveness is always possible and one should always forgive. Although many claim that one has no right to forgive harm that has been done to others, one must consider forgiving in terms
Notes about Creativity
The Process of Creativity
In order for creativity to develop, the mind needs to be free from the automatic and habitual thinking that runs around in circles. It should remain in a state of openness, lucidity, flexibility, clarity, and wisdom.
Not identifying with our suffering
We usually identify completely with our suffering and become one with it. Yet, even when they torment us the most, we are not our suffering in the same way that we are not the sickness when afflicted by some ailment.