Can one change: ‟Real change has to be led by example. Nowadays, society makes the success a purely individualistic matter.”
On the crystallization of the self: ‟This is a phenomenon of protection. While believing that one is protecting oneself, we create a prison that ends up feeling very stuffy.”
On cooperation: ‟We must show that solidarity is not only a virtue, but partakes of the very nature of existence. To cooperate is to live.”
On enlightened education: ‟Free parents can teach freedom. Above all we must achieve inner freedom and free ourself from all prejudices. Too often we consider freedom as a self-indulgence, or authoritarianism upon the other, while the opposite is true inner freedom. Enlightened education is rooted in the example of parents open to others, ready to help. Too often we are beggars of affection and the other becomes a means to our own ends. The other becomes instrumentalized. Education must therefore show the value of each and every life and the beauty of altruism.”
On a caring economy: ‟This is an economy that is shifting its perspective from the ‘I’ to the ‘we’.”