Archive du blog pour April 2013

True Examples of Altruism

We would be very happy to receive personal accounts, anecdotes, or stories concerning actions that clearly point to manifestations of genuine altruism.

These could be examples that you witnessed or heard about, or facts that belong to our time or

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Rajgir and the Vulture Peak

Rajgir is the place where the Buddha taught the Transcendent Perfection of Wisdom (Prajna paramita), at the Vulture Peak, sixteen years after his enlightenment, to an assembly of 5,000 monks, nuns and laity, as well as innumerable bodhisattvas. This teaching

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Nalanda University

After Kusinagar and Kesaria, our pilgrimage took us the great University of Nalanda, about 90 kms south east of Patna and a few kms away from Rajgir.

Nalanda was one of the world’s first universities and the largest Buddhist University

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Vaishali was the capital city of the Lichavis, one of world’s first democracies. The Buddha visited Vaishali on many occasions. It is also the area where Mahavira was born—the founder of Jainism and a contemporary of the Buddha.

It was

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The Great Stupa of Kesaria

On the way between Kusinagar and Vaishali, we paid homage to the monumental ruins of Kesaria Stupa, (10 KM from Rampur Khajuria on National Highway 28, about three hours drive from Kusinagar, 120kms from Patna).

According to some scholars, this

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Kusinagar, where the Buddha passed into Parinirvana

Kushinagar is the place where Buddha Shakyamuni entered ‟Mahaparinirvana”, the ‟great transcendence of suffering”. When he reached his eighty-first year, the Buddha gave teaching at the Vulture’s Peak of Rajgir, and went north with his nephew to Nalanda and then

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Vanaresi, the Ganges

On the occasion of then Indian pilgrimage accomplished by Yangsi Khyentse Rinpoche, Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche and a group of monks, nuns and disciples, after visiting Sarnath, the place where the Buddha gave his first Teaching, the group went early morning

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Sarnath, where the Buddha gave his first teaching

Sarnath is located in a dozen of kilometers of Varanaresi. It is there, in the Deer Park, that the Buddha delivered his first conferred his first teaching on the Four Noble Truths: the truth of the suffering, the truths of

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Sankisya, the place where the Buddha came down from Tushita

From Shravasti, our pilgrimage proceeded to the long journey to Sankisya (called Sankassa in the scriptures, or Sankasya) the place where the Buddha is said to have returned to earth, after preaching the Abhidhamma in Tushita Heaven and teaching his

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The Dalai Lama Speaks on Science (2nd part)

Over the past thirty years more and more scientists have been showing genuine interest in the Buddhist views of the mind and of its relation to the body. As a result some scientific institutions, in America and in Europe, have

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