Archive du blog pour April 2013

The ten things we think will make us happier, but don’t:

1-To become rich, powerful and famous

2-To treat the universe as if it was a mail order catalogue for our desires and fancies

3-To yearn for the ‟freedom” to do everything that comes into your mind. (This is not freedom,

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The ten things that make us vulnerable

1.  An exacerbated sense of self-importance

2.  To keep ruminating on the past

3.  To be full of anxiety about the future

4.  Not to be able to rest in the awareness of the present moment

5.  To put all

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The Dalai Lama and the “Age of the Woman”

Recently, during his visit to Yeunten Ling, a well-known Buddhist center in Huy, Belgium. His Holiness spoke about the role of women :

‟Ancient nomadic tribes were egalitarian and not governed by chiefs. Then came the age of sedentary agriculture

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Why torture doesn’t work : two experimental proofs

In the 18th century, a Milanese judge, who did not believe that torture had any value in obtaining reliable confessions from suspected criminal, killed his mule, accused his servant of committing the misdeed, and had him subjected to torture, whereupon

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Human Goodness

In his inspiring book ‟La bonté humaine” (The human goodness), recently published in France, Jacques Lecomte quotes a text by Mordecai Paldiel, who was Chair of the Righteous Among the Nations, Israel. Paldiel argues that it is the

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Girls, not brides

A few month ago, a heard, Archbishop Desmond Tutu speaking about his passionate campaign against the marriage of girls in childhood or just after puberty, still widespread in Africa and Asia (Every day, 25,000 girls are married too young, without

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The disproportionate fear of terrorism

Despite the enormous media coverage of terrorist acts, according to the largest database available, the number of terrorism deaths is very small compared with other causes of violent death. According to the Global Terrorism Database, since the attack of September

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First International Symposia for Contemplative Research

From April 26 to 29, In Denver, Colorado is being held the first International Symposia for Contemplative Science Research, which brings together more than seven hundred participants —psychologists, clinicians, neuroscientists, philosophers and contemplatives of different traditions, mainly Buddhists and Christians.

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