Featuring Eckhart Tolle, Kim Eng, Marianne Williamson, Matthieu Ricard, Shaka Senghor, and more!
Eckhart Tolle has said that the awakening of human consciousness is no longer a luxury—it is a necessity for the survival of our species. It is up to each of us as individuals to engage the work of personal transformation, and to assist in this shift in the lives of others when we have the opportunity.
Living a Life of Presence is an invitation to do both.
Join Eckhart and his teaching partner Kim Eng, along with renowned authors and teachers to experience:
- Leading voices on the evolution of human consciousness and the global repercussions of this shift
- Our role as individuals in ushering the awakening of consciousness and its expression in the world
- Practices for embodying Presence in our personal and professional relationships
- Renewal and connection in a community of Presence
All proceeds will benefit the Eckhart Tolle Foundation, created to bring Eckhart’s life-changing teachings to underserved communities around the world.
For more information contact support@soundstrue.com
or call (+1) 800.333.9185
Register by August 15 to Save $400 !